
Former presidential aide, author, social media influencer and investment guru, Reno Omokri has said that the final aim of being employed should be to save enough capital to start one’s business to free from the shackles of poverty.

He posted:

If you have a job, you are just warming the seat, because one day, you will die or be fired, or get tired and then retire, and someone else will sit on it. Your kids can’t inherit your job. A job feeds you. A business or an investment feeds your generation. With any job, your goal should be to work to get capital to start your own business. Poverty is a disease to be cured, not suppressed with a monthly salary. The only known cure for poverty is your own business or investments. Bitcoin could have made you a millionaire, but you called it a scam. The S&P 500 can take you from poverty to prosperity, but you preferred austerity in your salary. My dear, invest or do business, because the more you work on your job, the wealthier your boss becomes. Not you!


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