Bizarre photo of ‘Elon Musk kissing a robot’ is leaving the internet baffled
New pictures show the tech billionaire kissing a female robot but all is not what it seems… A picture of…
Scientists say the ‘soul’ does not die, it ‘returns to the universe’
By Julie Hambleton • Since the beginning of time, humans have asked the question: “What happens to us after we…
Photos: Man takes his mother on tour of the world
This man remembered mother’s love, took his mom round the world.Enjoy the pictures.
Funny!! 2-year-old girl washes her father’s laptop with soap after hearing him say it’s full of ‘trash’
A 2-year-old girl in China washed her father’s MacBook with soap after hearing him say it was full of “trash”…
How to teach your kid to regulate their emotions, straight from a therapist
Learning to regulate our bodies and our emotions is an important part of the human experience. This process starts the…
4 important words you should say to your children if you want them to become good leaders
By Jason Aten Sometimes a simple question can make a huge difference. Being a parent is hard. You’re ultimately…
6 Things you should not do after eating (VIDEO)
Pеoplе usuаlly liе down or sit comfortаbly in а chаir аftеr hаving dinnеr, but this is а big mistаkе you…
5 steps to take before you make that risky decision
A Northwestern University professor explains that science tells us why we take risks. But courage isn’t about risk or fearlessness—it’s…
Being kind to yourself and others can improve your mental health
It can sometimes feel difficult to connect with compassion. Here, Elizabeth Sulis Kim explains how we can be kinder to…