
By Samuel

“Men typically have two main reasons for being with women: SEX and LOVE. However, when it comes to marriage, most men don’t marry for these reasons. They marry for STABILITY.

What I mean by that is:

A man can love you and still not marry you. He might be with you sexually for years without proposing. But once he meets someone who brings stability into his life, he will marry her.

By “stability,” I mean “Peace of Mind.” Men often say, “I love this woman, but I don’t think I can spend my life with her.” When men think about marriage, they’re not focused on things like wedding dresses or bridesmaids, like many women are. Instead, they think, “Can this woman create a home with me? Can she take care of our children and me? Will she give me peace and comfort?”

Men seek peace. They avoid women who bring stress into their lives. This is why a man might stay with one woman for years but marry someone else after a shorter time.

For men, it’s not just about sex or love; it’s about RESPECT, because respect brings STABILITY.”


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