
An enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is an incredibly common condition amongst men. It is estimated that over half of all men between the ages of 51 and 60 are affected by this condition; however, it can happen to men of any age.

For those suffering from BPH, the symptoms can be incredibly disruptive. Common symptoms include difficulty urinating, frequent trips to the bathroom during nighttime hours, and a weakened urinary stream.

If left untreated, BPH can lead to serious complications such as urinary tract infections, bladder stones, and even kidney damage. Fortunately, there are a number of treatments available to help shrink an enlarged prostate.

The fastest way to shrink an enlarged prostate is with medication. Alpha-blockers are the most commonly prescribed medications and work by relaxing the muscles in the prostate and bladder, making it easier to urinate. These medications are typically taken for six to eight weeks and can help reduce the size of the prostate.

Another option is to undergo a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). This procedure is usually performed under general anaesthetic and involves removing part of the prostate gland. While this is a more invasive procedure than medications, it can more quickly and effectively shrink the prostate and provide relief from symptoms.

Finally, for those who are uncomfortable with taking medication or undergoing surgery, lifestyle changes may also help reduce the size of an enlarged prostate. Adopting a low-fat, low-salt diet that is rich in plant-based foods can help reduce inflammation in the body and promote healthy prostate function. Regular exercise such as walking and gentle yoga can also help reduce symptoms and improve overall wellbeing.

No matter what treatment you choose, it is important to be patient and to be consistent with your doctor’s recommendations. While it may take some time, making small changes can ultimately have a huge impact on your quality of life.


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